Jessica Summers-Jackson joins The Energy Healing Magazine

Jessica has always been relentlessly driven to uncover more of who she really is and she supports others to do the same. People often come to Jessica worrying that something needs to be fixed; she feels passionately that no one is ever broken.

Ten years ago, Jessica reached a point in her life where severe depression cut her off from the world. No job, no career prospects and fractured relationships: in an attempt to control every aspect of her life, she had in fact stopped it. In that time, she made a demand that a better life be made available to her and she began rebuilding her life from ground zero.

Since that time she has challenged every ‘story’ of who she is and gone beyond it, from working for prestigious London initiatives for social change, to training with esteemed metaphysician, Vernon Frost, in South Africa, to becoming a hypnopsychotherapist and Access Consciousness Facilitator.

Jessica uses everything she has become to help clients create the life, living and relationships they’ve always dreamed of but never saw as a reality. An expert on creativity and a self-confessed perfectionist, she truly understands the blocks we create to stop us having what we’d truly like in our lives.

Jessica retrained as a hypnopsychotherapist after the birth of her daughter, 4 years ago, using hypnobirthing:

“My daughter has definitely changed the trajectory of my life, she gives me courage to choose things I would never have dreamed of before, and she challenges me every day to stay present- challenge being the operative word!

I found the tools of Access Consciousness 2 years ago and they have radically increased my happiness and wellbeing. I love how Access Consciousness offers consciousness in all areas of life; including business and parenting. They don’t see any separation between anything which, having a form of autism myself, is a really expansive experience for me because I don’t find areas of separation particularly comfortable.

I’m really dedicated to being the most authentic version of myself I can be and would love to share that with you and invite you to the same and more!”

Jessica will be writing a regular column for The Energy Healing Magazine starting from next week.