Would you like to contribute to a book showcasing successful young entrepreneurs?

The book, The New Entrepreneurs, profiles dynamic business owners under the age of 40 that have either successfully run their own businesses, mentored others, or have in some way made a significant contribution to the success of the company (or industry) they work in.

Can you write a chapter for this book? The chapter will be a practical and easy to read profile telling the business persons story; who they are, what they have done, the challenges they faced,  how they overcame them etc.  Contributors must be aged under 40 to be considered for this book.

The New Entrepreneurs is produced in partnership with My Entrepreneur Magazine and Muse Words.

The New Entrepreneurs will be published as an ebook and paperback. If you are prepared to write a single (2,000 words or more) chapter for the book, we would love to hear from you. The book will be marketed worldwide through Amazon and the book publishers website and it will be promoted by a PR agency.


Co-author requirements:

Must be aged under 40

Must have experience of running / managing or founding a successful business. or a background in finance, marketing, social media or sales.

Deadline for chapters:

December 1st 2015

Contribute to this book