Marie Anagnostis Shares How To Choose A PT That’s Right For You

Personal Trainer Red (And Green Flags): How To Choose A PT That’s Right For You

There are many benefits to retaining the services of a personal trainer at any stage of your fitness journey, but how do you know which PT is right for you? PT red and green flags pretty much mirror those of a relationship except that you’re paying one of them. So, get this list out and make sure your hard earned (I mean the cost of living am-I-right?) isn’t being squandered and you’re with the PT of your dreams:

They Don’t Take Time To Listen To Your Goals

Whether it’s weight loss, strength gains, running 5km without stopping, the PT of your dreams will listen to your goals and program your sessions accordingly. If you’re not sure your program is suitable, ask. A PT green flag is one where your PT is able to explain how your program will get you closer to your goal.

They Are Constantly On Their Phone

If your PT is looking more at their screen than they are at you…byyyyyyyyyeeeeee. You did not pay $90/hour for some person to have their eyes glued to a screen instead of you (quite frankly you can get one of those kind of people for free). The caveat here is that phones can actually be a useful tool in our line of work, for example we could be looking at a timer or the notes for your session. Tips for young players, image is everything and even if your eyes on your phone is for innocent reasons, your client doesn’t know that. Have the screen of your phone visibly displayed. Green flag.

They Don’t Write Anything Down

Unless they have the eidetic memory of Will Hunting (spoiler alert: we don’t), your PT should be recording your sessions i.e. writing down weights, repetitions, exercises and other notes. You can’t progress efficiently if every session is made up of random exercises and weight selections.

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Their Attention Isn’t Solely On You

Sure your PTs friends and other clients are floating around the gym and a quick acknowledgement is fine, but if your PT is having a good old catch-up with anyone but you on the regular just take that time to admire the little’ red flag flapping in the wind.

You Don’t Feel Comfortable With Them

In terms of what ails you. There are certain conditions we need to know about, you know so we don’t harm you in any way. So, if you aren’t comfortable to share important medical information with your PT, you are with the wrong PT. This isn’t anyone’s fault, just make sure that when you are shopping around for a PT, it’s someone you could feel comfortable and confident sharing this information with.

They Give Advice In An Area They Have No Formal Expertise

Let’s call this an orange flag. We as critical thinking beings with opposable thumbs can make a judgement call on whether we are receiving actual professional advice or the ranting’s of an exceptionally exhausted human in a profession that requires 4am starts and triple split shifts (could just be me). The lines get blurred as all manner of areas are lumped under health and fitness – think nutrition and physiotherapy.

Of course it’s not unfathomable that a PT isn’t also a qualified nutritionist or physiotherapist, just be aware. I got a chuckle from a client just the other day when she asked me nutrition advice and I commenced with my usual preamble of “I’m happy to give you my opinion, but I’m not a qualified…” and she word-for-word started saying it with me. Suffice to say I get asked advice for areas I have no qualifications on the regular.

Would you listen to someone whose breakfast consists of Coke No Sugar?

Didn’t think so.  What has been your experience of  finding a PT?

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About The Author

Marie has been a fitness industry professional since 2005 and currently owns UBX Boxing + Strength in Belconnen and Fyshwick Markets. You will also find her teaching BODYPUMP and reform Pilates at gyms across Canberra.

If Marie isn’t in a gym she is writing about the gym. She hopes that in her style she can demystify and debunk stereotypes about fitness in the hope that people will fall in love with movement in a way that can change their life, just like it has changed hers.

Her book “12 hours in the life of a fitness professional (because I’m too tired for the other 12)” is available now: IG @marie_anagnostis